Week Two: Align
Week Two of 2024 Spring Challenge
After getting very present with ourself we may have a better idea of what we are looking to align in our life – evolve, deepen, manifest and cultivate more of this season. We may also be getting a better idea of what is not in alignment – stopping of blocking this.
What are you here for? What are you not here for? In this lifetime
These are our boundaries and with more presence comes clarity and better discernment of what we need and don’t and how we can communicate that to those around us, ourself and the universe. You might like to journal the questions below, this writing is just for you so try to let go and don’t think too much about it. I like to do a meditation or restorative practice before journalling, try 15 minute nidra with Rayne further down this page
-Maybe we can use the micro to help us discern the macro. What are you here for in the context of this challenge? in the context of your yoga practice? What are you not here for?
-What am I here for? What do I love, want more of, supports me etc
– What am I not here for? What brings me worry, stress, doubt
– Is your practice feeling more aligned? Is life feeling more aligned?
Practice Tapas (discippline) – An at home practice from Isabella (60 mins vinyasa)
Top tip for creating a home practice – set up a space, doesn’t have to be big but if you can leave your mat out in it, this can help as a reminder and one less thing to do. Light your favourite candle or some incense since its your space, you choose the lighting, the smells and the space. Wooden or hard floor is preferably but carpet will work too. Choose your favourite playlist or access one of mine on spotify @isabellafrancesyoga – the playlists are named to each class “practice svadyaya”
Below is some recommended further reading on alignment. Below I have included some of the poses we went through from Baron Baptiste book

– press your palms flat, fingers evenly spread apart
– press your thighbones back toward the wall behind you
– contract and activate your quads
– pull your hips back
– pull your navel toward your spine
– drop the shoulder blades down your back
– drop your head and rest your eyes on one point
– if your wrists hurt press down more through knuckles and fingers

– stack elbows over wrists and tuck them into your ribs
– shoulders hover at elbow level
– balance on balls of your feet
– engage and lift through quads and belly
– slide your shoulder blades down your back
– modification: drop your knees

– Press through outer edge of back foot
– stack your front knee over your ankle
– front foot is pointing straight forward and your knee is tracking the second and middle toe
– drop your forward hip so that your thigh is parallel to the floor
– rotate your inner thighs out and away from each other
– lift your belly, spine and chest
– stack shoulders over hips
– drop your shoulder blades down your back
– reach through both arms and fingertips